These Rules amend Rule 3(2) by removing the requirement for application by prior invitation and introduces application for all licenses on a first come first served basis in accordance with the directive of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Lesotho dated 11 November 2019.
The impact of these Rules is that any prospective applicant can submit an application that meets the prescribed requirements together with payment of application fees to obtain a unified license and operate in Lesotho.
Since its establishment in 2000, the Authority operated a licensing regime that maintained a closed market for unified licenses, which allowed only two unified licensees within the market and limited the free entry of other competitors unless invited by the Authority.
As we commemorate 20 years of existence, and chart the way forward into the next 20 marked by a digitally empowered Nation, the Authority invites Basotho to take advantage of the opportunity presented by this transformation of policy brought about by the Parliament of the Kingdom of Lesotho to stimulate fair competition, economic growth and prosperity.
LCA is an independent statutory body established in 2000 in terms of the Communications Act, 2012 to regulate the communications sector in Lesotho.
Download the amendment here: LCA(Administrative)(Admendment) Rules, 2020