Public Consultation: Review of Lesotho Communications Authority (Licensing Classification and Fees) Rules No. 23 of 2018
Pursuant to Section 5 (1) (c) of the Communications Act No. 4 of 2012, the Lesotho Communications Authority has embarked on a review of the current licensing framework and regulatory fees namely; Lesotho Communications Authority (Licensing Classification and Fees) Rules No. 23 of 2018.
The Authority has developed a draft of Lesotho Communications Authority (Licensing Classification and Fees) Rules 2023 that is aimed at aligning the regulatory framework with the evolving technology and national developmental imperatives. The draft Rules are intended to repeal the Lesotho Communications Authority (Licensing Classification Fees) Rules, 2018. The draft Rules shall prescribe the licence classifications and new applicable regulatory fees.
The Authority invites comments from the public and all stakeholders on the draft Lesotho Communications (Licensing Classification and Fees) Rules 2023. The draft Rules which are the subject of this consultation process maybe be obtained from the LCA Offices at the address below or by downloading them from the LCA website at
Comments on the document may be submitted in writing to:
The Chief Executive Officer
Lesotho Communications Authority
30 Princess Margaret Road
Old Europa, Maseru
Email: or
The closing date for submissions is 6th January 2023 at 12:00 hours.