The Lesotho Communications Authority informs the public that it has received an application for renewal of Television Broadcasting Licence from Lesotho Television.
The Licence authorizes the holder to operate television broadcasting system and to provide television broadcasting services. The duration of the Licence will be unlimited period from the date of renewal of the Licence.
Acting in terms of Section 4 (j) of the Communications Act No. 4 of 2012, the Authority hereby invites comments from the general public and industry stakeholders in respect of the application for Licence renewal by Lesotho Television.
Comments should be submitted in writing to:
The Chief Executive Officer (a.i)
Lesotho Communications Authority
30 Princess Margaret Road
P.O. Box 15896
Or E-mail to: [email protected]
Closing date for submission of comments is 25 August 2022 at 16:00 hours.
The application may be obtained from the Authority’s offices or by downloading it here
Notice issued on: 25 July 2022.